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Welcome to my wild world, the world of Buffalo, Horses and the Tallgrass Prairie! What you see here on my blog is pictures of stuff that I see every day, all kinds of wild animals like deer, buffalo, coyotes, bobcats, whippoorwills, hoot owls and everything in between! Where ever I go, my camera goes, I NEVER leave home with out it! You just never know what God is gonna stick in front of you to take a picture of! So come along with me as I live my wonderful life out on the prairie, I promise it will never be boring!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Gone Fishin'

Me and Dad went fishing last Saturday and we saw all kinds of prairie wildlife.
While on our way to the pond we saw a Bob-White Quail setting on the fence. He was just singing his little heart out!

Can you spot the Buffalo in this one?
When we went to the next pond, I spotted some Wild Burgamot blooming along the pond dam.

Here's a close up......

After we got done at this pond, we went back to Wild Hog Creek. Didn't catch anything but I did get a picture of a Mountain Boomer (or Collard Lizard).
Had to take the pic. from across the creek, though.
At the last pond we went to, I snapped this picture of a Widow Skimmer dragonfly posing on a little tree, just for me!
Thanks for looking!
Josie of the Prairie

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