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Welcome to my wild world, the world of Buffalo, Horses and the Tallgrass Prairie! What you see here on my blog is pictures of stuff that I see every day, all kinds of wild animals like deer, buffalo, coyotes, bobcats, whippoorwills, hoot owls and everything in between! Where ever I go, my camera goes, I NEVER leave home with out it! You just never know what God is gonna stick in front of you to take a picture of! So come along with me as I live my wonderful life out on the prairie, I promise it will never be boring!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

It's Rainin', it's Pourin'

Last night, we had a round of rain come through, so this morning I tucked my jeans into my boots, hunted for 20 minutes for my rain coat and then remembered that it was in the Blazer that was parked out under the barn.
Finally I found my OSU umbrella and outside into the rain I went.  
This was what I saw:

Carport was flooded because of this:

Around to the porch I went,
Old Glory was a little damp, but she's still wavin'!

Mick came out of the dog box..

But Blazer didn't...

The horses don't care in less I'm carrying a coffee can of feed...
Food, did somebody say FOOD??

Yeah, got your attention that time, huh?
The rain flooded the horse trap, too,
and I had a pond under my porch..

From the look of these clouds and the sound of thunder, I bet we'll have more than 2 inches before the day is over.

Oh well, rainy days are good for Blogging, I think I set a new world record, 2 blogs in one day!

*Update*  1:45PM.  1 1/2 inches of rain since 12:30PM
There is a river running through my carport.....

Thanks for Lookin'

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